Saturday, April 07, 2007

Exercise and Eating Right Actually Works!! Amazing!

There are a couple of girls at my old work who are starting their own weight loss adventure, and they are exactly at the same point I was a year and 1/2 ago. It's amazing to stop and look back at what attitudes and concerns I had when I started my fitness journey back then, and it is exactly the same as their's today. But I wanted to leave this encouragement to those who don't know me.

A year and 1/2 ago, I had never set foot into a gym in my entire life. Needless to say I knew absolutely nothing about weightlifting, machines, or anything to do with the gym lol. When I started I was quite intimidated by the people in the free weight room. And it was usually depressing to go to the gym anyway because most of the people there are already fit and skinny. But no matter what, I kept up going and my friend helped me out on what I should work and what I should do. And now 58 pounds lighter, it actually does work! You will be surprised and delighted at the results if you just keep it up exercising and eating right. Anyone can do it if I can!


Anonymous said...

I love you! This post is so great because it is so TRUE. How great that you can be a shining example for these girls. Happy Easter!

Lightning_ said...

Happy Easter, Rebecca! My whole goal in this blog is to encourage people who were like me when I started awhile ago. I just hope it helps someone :)

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! Congrats on all your weight loss. you look teriffic. Guess what? I'm going to be in SD the 2 through the 12th of May. I can't find your email address to give you details, so email me when you get the chance, or I'll try and call you soon! Keep up the great work.!

Lightning_ said...

Thanks Kelly! It's been a long journey but it definately works :)