Sunday, August 19, 2007

Running Dilemma

I'm having a running problem... I like lifting weights, and I know what it is one of the only ways to strengthen my legs so that I can run easier and quicker. The only problem is that when I do squats or lunges, I get thrown out of commission because my legs become noodles and they hurt too much to run which puts a damper on me trying to run for like a whole week. So I've decided for now that I'm going to work on strengthening my legs and if that means putting off the next 5k for a couple months I will be okay with that. I want to get to the point that I can do squats and lunges and be sore but not in pain where I can run, and that is going to take a little while to strengthen up. I've got to work on it now or I won't ever be strong and I will just continue to get frustrated when I can't run :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, I run on Mondays and Wednesdays and today I did some squats in between those days and now my legs are destroyed. I don't think I can run tomorrow either!