Friday, December 22, 2006

Status Report

Well, my calves are doing better today. They don't hurt anymore, but when I do calf raises I can feel them stretch a bit more than typical. I have not run all week in order to let them recover. I am taking tomorrow off from the gym since I did legs today, but come Sunday, I am going to jog a slow 1.5 miles flat and see how my calves feel. If they are doing alright, I'm going to keep up-ing my miles each day next week so I can be ready to run the 5k by Thursday. I hope that I am up for it!!

On a different note, I was at the gym today, and some random weird guy just started talking to me while I was resting between leg extension sets. It was the one time that I did not have my ipod shuffle with me... It was rather disturbing because I didn't even know this guy and he just started talking to me randomly about how he coaches girl's track and how girls can be emotion??? What the heck?? He talked to me for like 5 minutes while I was staring at him trying to figure out why on earth he was saying anything to me... I've seen this guy at the gym before too so it was really weird. Never will I forget my shuffle and I will remain far away from that guy if I see him lol

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