Sunday, July 08, 2007

Weight vs Overall Body Composition

So as I've previously mentioned, my goal is to lose 100 pounds which I am slowly making my way towards. Now, I've been holding the same weight for a couple of months now of about 188 pounds, but I am down a size in clothing. My overall weight is holding, but I am building muscle and burning fat at the same time. Which is a bit frustrating when you are trying to lose weight, but I realized that a few months ago there would have been no way I could fit into the size I am in now at the same weight so I know I am building muscle and I am getting much stronger. I still have fat to burn as I am not slim yet, but I don't think that I will be able to get tiny. I was watching the sports channel at the gym while I was running, and they showed a clip of Serena Williams. After looking at her physique and built, I think I am much more inclined to be built like her. So my new goal is to continue to lift and gain muscle, lose weight, but also to get a physique like hers...


Anonymous said...

OK, so I love that you want to be like Serena Williams because I decided after googling the WNBA that I pretty much wanted to look like any of them. When I told Andy he was like, "Um, can you even throw a basket ball?" I was like BABY THAT'S NOT THE POINT!!

Lightning_ said...

hahahaha! Yeah I totally understand what you mean. Soon enough my friend, we are going to be superstars!!