Monday, May 14, 2007

4 Week Goal

Okay, so I am flying out to see my best friend in 4 weeks, and I have a goal of getting down to a size 10. I can't even remember when I was a size 10 last. So today I went to Old Navy to try on the size 10 and to just see how far away I am from fitting comfortable into a size 10. And I could actually fit into the jeans and button them up. Of course, they were super tight on me but I could still fit into them! Anyway, I would really like to fit into the size 10 jeans by the time I go see my friend. My friend hasn't seen me since I started on my weight loss adventure so I am hoping to be as far along as possible before I see her.

Also, I've started to boost my protein in take and I am lifting heavier weights and I started taking vitamins. I'm going all the way with this stuff and I am very excited. I was also very excited today when I was able to curl with one arm, 6 reps with the 20 lb. I've never been able to do that before, and I was pushing to get at least 6 and I did!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh this is so exciting. You can so do this. GO TATIANA MARIA SOPHIA.