Monday, May 14, 2007

Beginner Workouts

I wanted to elaborate on my previous post a little more since I have more time today than when I posted last time. The workouts that I've shown are for beginners in regards to the workout sets and repetitions. Anyone can take the workouts and change up the sets and reps, and honestly, you can make it fit you at whatever stage you may be at in your fitness journey. I am hoping to actually get pictures of how to do each workout, but unless you go with someone who knows how to do the different workouts, it is a little bit hard to explain in writing.

The one thing that I want to say, that is if you keep up exercising and eating right, you will see the results that you want. But remember remember, eating right is a HUGE part of your gains. I was really inspired by this month's Fitness RX magazine's success story. The lady puts it the best when she says something along the lines of "I work very hard to get to where I am at, but there are lots of saboteurs who say 'oh just one small piece of cake or one cookie won't hurt'" Don't be fooled! You have to change your way of thinking and say to yourself and to tell that person that "cookies and cakes do not fit your fitness goals" and then let them figure out the rest :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's an excellent point. People are ALWAYS trying to push something down your throat.