Wednesday, May 09, 2007

So Much to Say & Not Enough Time

I've been doing amazing the last couple of weeks! I've gone to the gym everyday in the morning and done a good workout, and I'm not sick, and I'm not injured lol... Well, I am helping out a few friends who I used to work with in getting them started on their own weightloss goals, and so I made up a workout schedule for them as beginners. I really liked what I came up with, and I believe that anyone in good health but overweight, who goes through these workouts will see progress in their weightloss goals (Remember!! Consistency and eating well is key!), but I hope this helps people out there.


Anonymous said...

I love that you've shared your schedule/routine. That's awesome.

Lightning_ said...

Thanks :) I hope that it helps someone out there who needs some direction for the gym!