Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Good kind of Leg Pain

So I've been bugging my friend to go to the gym with me to show me how to do a real leg workout. Finally, our schedules matched today, and he was able to go with me and show me how to do a leg workout...........

!!! My legs are about to fall off (yes yes, keep laughing Luis). Anyway, I was actually looking forward to the workout because I've never done squats or lunges before in my entire life, and I wanted someone to show me how to do it so that I didn't hurt myself. Anyway, I am going to be in some serious soreness/pain tomorrow and probably for a couple of days lol! Here is what I did today...

Squats using Smith Machine
1x12, 1x8, 1x6
Lunges using Smith Machine
1x12, 1x10, 1x8
Stiffed Leg Deadlifts
Leg Press
2x8, 1x10


Anonymous said...

OK, so I am totally cracking up right now because I am in the same boat as you. I did the Firm's "Standing Legs" DVD and I have been hobbling around for DAYS. I was basically doing lunges and stepping on off on off on off a stool while holding dumbbells. Holy you know what. I still feel it three days later. I am assuming that is good.

Lightning_ said...

Yeah, believe me I'm still hurting in muscles I didn't know I had lol!