Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Bleh Sick

Yesterday I wasn't feeling all that great, and this morning my throat was horrible sore and I was completely drained. So I didn't go to work today and didn't go to the gym either :( I'm hoping by taking today off I can recover quicker than just going into work and getting worse.


Anonymous said...

Excellent. People never feel like they are justified in taking time off, even when they are sick. And I suppose that's reason #57859 to get out of the Navy- you can have sick days. But I suppose I wouldn't get paid either so I'll stop bitching now. I hope you feel better 8)

Lightning_ said...

haha i'm sorry Rebecca... soon very soon you will be out! and I am feeling much better :)

Lightning_ said...

Blah, I got a relapse of sickness today... sucks...