Tuesday, September 05, 2006

My Encouragement to you...

As I read and hear about all these "quick" weightloss surgery fixes, I can't help but feel very sorry for the person who thinks that they need those in order to lose weight and get healthy. I know that it is hard and tough to lose weight, but YOU CAN DO IT THE HEALTHY WAY. I can understand how it feels to want to lose weight instantly, but the real world does not work that way. I've wished thousands of times that I could lose weight with a blink of the eye, but that never happens.

The only way to healthy living and a healthy weight is to exercise and eat right. By working out and eating healthily you will not only feel better about yourself for losing the weight, but you will feel a sense of accomplishment because you earned it and worked hard for it. Believe me, I understand that it is an extremely difficult thing to do, but like I said, if you put your mind to you, you can do it.

My whole goal in writing this blog is to encourage and inspire others to get on a healthy program and lose the weight right. There are no quick fixes in this world when it comes to anything else. Everything that you have and own, you had to earn them. So why is losing weight any different than that? I want to encourage you today not to give up, but keep up the fight and do yourself a huge favor and work for that body you have always dreamed about.

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